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Mass Times

Mission Statement

As a Parish, sharing the love of God, we seek to live out our faith as a community of worship, of shared faith and of service, where each person shares with others the gifts and talents received from God.


We recognise the wealth of multi-cultural background within the parish and shall seek to involve all parishioners to the greater benefit of the whole parish.


Sharing and utilising our gifts and talents, freely given us by God, we will endeavour to support family and parish life, reaching out to our neighbours within and beyond our community.


Many thanks to all those parishioners who have made donations via bank transfer, we appreciate that not everybody is in a position to do so.

Weekly donations may still be made, if you wish, via an envelope put through the office letter box. If you wish to set up a standing order, please contact the office for a form.


Please email if you require a Standing Order Form.



300 CLUB

St Patrick's parish run a 300 club which costs £5 per month, usually paid by standing order. The prizes are £75 weekly with larger amounts quarterly. This raises much needed funds for the parish and with better odds than the lottery for winning!. To join, download the forms and return them to the parish office when complete......Good Luck!!









A new website for the Diocese of Nottingham has been launched.


Saturday 6.30 pm

Sunday 8.30 and 10.30 am

Weekdays: Wednesday 7 pm

Friday 7am


CONFESSIONS: Saturday 10 - 11 am and 5 - 6 pm.


Updated Covid Guidance

Hand sanitiser is available at the entrance and exit of church, please use it.

Could any visitors to the parish please leave their contact details on entry?

Please wear a face covering unless you are exempt.

When required, you may either kneel, or stand or be seated during mass.

Singing is permitted although face coverings are recommended.

Please be mindful of others and maintain some distance while receiving Holy Communion, arriving and leaving.


Bishops Conference guidelines for safely going forward January 2022:





Please walk to church if at all possible, due to the new cycle lane on Beaumont Leys Lane parking is very limited!



If you would like a mass said, please put your intention and contact details on an envelope containing your offering through the office letter box or email your request to the parish office.




We need to update our Parish Address Book/contact list. Please download a contact form, complete and return it to the office.....this is for ALL parishioners both old and new.

Thank you 




MARRIAGE PREPARATION: The latest resource, preparing together, is facilitated by two trained volunteers via webcam. Groups of up to 7 couples attend three 90-minute sessions over a 3-week period. Wedding plans may be on hold at the moment but couples needn’t put their preparation on hold. For more information, go to 

Parish Groups

St. Patrick's community life is supported by a number of special interest groups, who are always pleased to welcome new members.


Please click below for more information... 



SYNOD 2021-2023

The Opening of the Synodal Journey in the Diocese of Nottingham Sunday 17th October 2021. 




We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name.

With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts;

Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it.

We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder.

Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions.

Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right.

All this we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time, in the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever.






Parish history booking form.




Parish Centre Hire


Hire costs will be revised once we have updated cleaning schedules to protect against Covid19. 


















A Prayer for Ukraine

We pray that the Lord God send His Holy Spirit to all the people of Ukraine

and gives them the grace of endurance in faith, hope and love amid the current ordeals;

may peace be granted throughout Ukraine

and may the Ukrainian nation be delivered from all enemies,

so that we may glorify the good and merciful God in justice and truth.

Lord hear us and have mercy. Amen.

St. Patrick's Church in Leicester has a weekly newsletter, to download the latest newsletter please click below...


Our Newsletter is in PDF format, to download a free PDF reader, click here.

News Letter

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